Terms and Conditions Aircraft Charter

Terms & Conditions


  1. The Pilot in command of the aircraft shall be the final arbiter as whether all or part of any flight shall proceed, and in what manner and destination, having regard to the prevailing operational circumstances.
  2. Crockett Aviation reserves the right to refuse access to aircraft by persons in accordance with various Civil Aviation Safety Authority regulations, orders, and requirements of the Civil Aviation Act.
  3. Crockett Aviation reserves the right to change and substitute aircraft, aircraft type and registration. All Crockett Aviation flights are subject to availability at the time of the flight.
  4. Departure and arrival time is subject to change as imposed by the Airport Coronation Centre. Peak periods 6am-10am and 4pm-8pm should be avoided.
  5. By engaging Crockett Aviation, the Charterer agrees to indemnify Crockett Aviation against any and all claims, demands, suits, actions, awards, judgments, damages and loss which may arise out of any transport or service provided by any Carrier.
  6. By engaging Crockett Aviation, the Charterer agrees that these terms and conditions form part of any agreement, contract or arrangement between the Charterer and Crockett Aviation in respect of the services for which Crockett Aviation was so engaged.
  7. Crockett Aviation reserves the right to vary or change without prior notice, the intended flight plan route and timetable.
  8. Crockett Aviation reserves the right to sub-contract another licensed operator, cross hire aircraft, crew, and ground handling personnel or other staff and/or operator’s staff without prior notice.
  9. Flights are confirmed only when Crockett Aviation is in receipt of an accepted, signed Air Charter Quotation noting the Quoting Reference Number and completed payment details. All flights will be performed by an operator holding a valid Air Operators Certificate issued by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority.
  10. Baggage items shall be limited to that defined in this document. Any variation from this, in number or mass, shall be carried only at the discretion of the Pilot in command.
  11. In the event of aircraft or crew unavailability at any time, for any reason, we will make every effort to provide a replacement, but cannot guarantee we will be successful. Substitute aircraft may not be of the class or type specified in the Itinerary and may incur additional cost. We will not be responsible for passenger expenses of any kind at any time.
  12. Quotes are based on the premise that the flight will proceed normally, without undue delays beyond our control.  Sometimes weather an air traffic cause delays incurring significant extra flight time and cost. We will advise you of the possibility of these as soon as we become aware of them. Extra flying time caused by these factors includes airborne holding for traffic or weather, and diversion to other airports if anything precludes a safe landing at the destination airport. The decision whether or not to divert, or to abandon the flight, is at the sole discretion of the Pilot in command, in accordance with ATC instructions, or the Pilot(s) judgment with regard to weather conditions. This extra flying time is not allowed for in our quotes.
  13. It is the charterer’s responsibility to ensure that all passengers have the necessary visa’s and passports, and comply with applicable airport security, health, import, customs and excise requirements for any flight.
  14. Crockett Aviation reserves the right to postpone, cancel or redirect the flight due to war, warlike events, strikes, civil war, civil unrest, riots, sabotage, quarantine, hijacking, terrorist actions, weather conditions or other force majeure of the nature, technical reason, detention or similar measures, accidents with the aircraft, or due to any other factors over which Crockett Aviation has no control, or when the safety of the passengers or the crew from the aircraft can reasonably be assessed to be in danger, at the discretion of the Pilot(s) or of Crockett Aviation personnel.

Passenger Weights

  1. Unless otherwise specified by Crockett Aviation staff, a passenger manifest including individual passenger names must be supplied by the charterer prior to the flight. All aircraft have operating weight limitations and this enables the flight crew to ensure the aircraft is loaded within these limitations and appropriate fuel loads are carried. This is particularly important for aircraft with less than 9 seats.
  2. Standard adult passenger weights are 86kg for males and 71 kg for females. Particularly if individual weights average heavy than these standard weights, passenger numbers or baggage may have to be reduced.
  3. If accurate passenger weights are not supplied prior to the flight, passengers or baggage may have to be left behind at the flight crew’s discretion.
  4. Payload restriction as indicated on the supplied quote must be strictly adhered to. Any increase in payload above what has been agreed will incur extra costs associated aircraft technical fuel stops. 

Baggage Allowance

Our Baggage allowance policy is as follows. Its observance is mandatory, for your safety and legal reasons.

The most important thing is for the passengers to specify their proposed needs, and for you to discuss them with us. We’ll inform you of the feasibility and work out a solution with you.  Without this process, you run the risk of the Pilot(s) being put in the position of having to reject items at the point of departure. The Pilot(s) is/are responsible for your safety at all times.

We understand that many trips require additional baggage, a reduction in passenger numbers may be required to make this possible. Sometimes a larger aircraft is needed. We will advise you of as many options as possible at the planning stage.

If you arrive with more than that specified here, there is a very real chance that we will not be able to carry it without offloading passengers or passenger luggage. This is due to the limited space available overall in the baggage holds and generally the lack of secure lockers within the cabin. Passenger and crew safety is our priority, and our baggage allowances are for these reasons. When the aircraft is fully occupied each passenger may carry:

One soft-sided overnight bag or suit sack, weighing no more than 5 – 10 Kgs.

One of either briefcase/laptop/camera bag/normal sized handbag or similar Baggage normally cannot be carried in the cabin, apart from small personal items such as moderately sized briefcases, laptops, handbags or similar capable of being placed beneath your legs in your seated position during takeoff and landing, or at the direction of the Pilot(s)

All items must be capable of being stowed in the baggage holds unless they can be secured into unoccupied passenger seats.

When the aircraft is not fully occupied, spare seats may be utilised for extra baggage, provided that they can be secured by the seatbelt.

Payment and Cancellation Policy

  1. In the case of Contract/Regular Scheduled flights Crockett Aviation will invoice the charterer weekly in arrears. Crockett Aviation will offer up to 7 days settlement from the date of invoice. Interest may be charged on the outstanding amounts at a rate of 14.5%.
  2. If the charter is based on a variable cost/hourly rate an estimate of the cost will be issued and the difference invoiced/refunded after the flight has concluded.
  3. A deposit may be required on confirmation of a charter to secure the aircraft.
  4. Cancelation of a flight, subsequent to booking confirmation, the following scale of charges will apply.


After booking, but more than three days before departure:    No charge
Less than three days (including third day), but more than 24 hours: 10% of total cost
Less than 24 hours:     50% of total cost

After booking, but more than one day before departure:    No charge
Less than one day but more than three hours:   10% of total cost
Less than three hours before departure:50% of total cost